
Not a Creature Was Stirring: Mouse Kisses

Almost too cute to eat

By Charlotte Linde December 11, 2015
Celebrate the line from the famous Christmas poem, “Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse” with these seriously almost too cute to eat treats! Change the recipe up and use your favorite flavored kiss and candies.  

  • Maraschino cherries with stems
  • Chocolate kisses (I used the "hugs" version)
  • Mini chocolate chips
  • White chocolate for melting (or chocolate for brown mice!)
  • Sliced almonds
  • Waxed paper
  • Toothpick
  1. Unwrap your kisses (and try not to eat all of them!)
  2. Make up an assembly line of your kisses, almonds, mini chocolate chips and cherries.  Melt your white chocolate according to directions.
  3. Take your cherry by the "tail" and dip into chocolate, place on its side on wax paper.  
  4. Next, take a kiss candy and dip the bottom in the melted chocolate and place on cherry for the head.  
  5. Then dip two almond pieces carefully in melted chocolate and stick in between cherry and kiss candy for the ears.  
  6. Finally, dab some melted chocolate with a toothpick on the bottom of the mini kiss chips and stick on the kiss candy for the eyes.  
Let cool completely and enjoy!